Proposal for Genomic BLUP with additive and dominance effects in R environment

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Vinicius Silva dos SANTOS
Marcos Deon Vilela de RESENDE
Fabyano Fonseca e SILVA


Recently the dominance effects have been included in genomic selection of various species, being the GBLUP-D method the most widely used. This method consists in replacing, in the REML/BLUP procedure, the pedigree-based relationship matrices by marker-based relationship matrices. This method can be performed by means of GVCBLUP software or through R-package BGLR, which is based on Bayesian regression via Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces – RKHS. In addition to these programs, we proposed the lmekin function implemented in the coxme package of R, which also allows the inclusion of additive and dominance genomic relationship matrices. In this context, we aimed to compare, via simulated data, the results from lmekin function with those from GVCBLUP software and BGLR. The results showed that the GBLUP and GBLUP-D methods fitted via REML in the GVCBLUP software and by means of the lmekin function are equivalent. The lmekin function is an efficient alternative for fitting genomic models with additive and dominance effects.

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Como Citar
SANTOS, V. S. dos, MARTINS FILHO, S., RESENDE, M. D. V. de, & SILVA, F. F. e. (2017). Proposal for Genomic BLUP with additive and dominance effects in R environment. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE BIOMETRIA, 35(2), 361–375. Recuperado de
Biografia do Autor

Vinicius Silva dos SANTOS, Universidade Federal de Viçosa

Departamento de Estatística

Sebastião MARTINS FILHO, Universidade Federal de Viçosa

Departamento de Estatística

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