Preliminary estimators of population mean using ranked set sampling in the presence of measurement error and non-response error with applications and simulation study

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Rajesh Singh
Anamika Kumari


In order to estimate the population mean in the presence of both non-response and measurement errors that are uncorrelated, the paper presents some novel estimators employing ranked set sampling by utilizing auxiliary information. Up to the first order of approximation, the equations for the bias and mean squared error of the suggested estimators are produced, and it is found that the proposed estimators outperform the other existing estimators analysed in this study. Investigations using simulation studies and numerical examples show how well the suggested estimators perform in the presence of measurement and non-response errors. The relative efficiency of the suggested estimators compared to the existing estimators has been expressed as a percentage, and the impact of measurement errors has been expressed as a percentage computation of measurement errors.

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Como Citar
Singh, R. ., & Kumari, A. (2024). Preliminary estimators of population mean using ranked set sampling in the presence of measurement error and non-response error with applications and simulation study. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE BIOMETRIA, 42(3), 272–288.


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